Introductions to Website and Blog Themes

The Krikonkraken site structure is modelled on an octopus, or rather: the mythical Kraken.  An octopuses eight tentacles are distinct, but belong together. The background to, and my thoughts about each theme, or category, or tentacle, is introduced here in the introduction to the website. Please feel free to browse through these pages! These are more or less static and won’t change all that much.

However, if any of them interest you, you might want to read the part of the site that is inspired by Krikon, or damson – a wild plum. As a tree, it is organic and symbolises growth and change. This is the “living” blog aspect of the site. Each tentacle, or category, can be seen as a separate and thematic blog. I’d be absolutely delighted if you find posts you like. Feel free to comment or to email me!

You will find introductions to the tentacled categories by clicking the links below:

Gardens & Nature 

Literature & Film 

Politics & Society

Ethics, Theology & Philosophy

Food & Fellowship

Creativity & Crafts

Education & Development

Stories & Histories


The Krikonkraken Seminiar

On the site you will also find what I call a seminar. This consists of texts I have written (and will write) which all are in the making and which I would like to discuss. There is a discussion forum for this purpose – but in which visitors to the site are welcome to discuss other aspects of the Krikonkraken project they find interesting.